About HKSW 樂團簡介
香港交響管樂團至今培育之音樂人才多不勝數,很多為黃日照先生的學生,當中有些更是黃氏的徒孫。這正實踐了本樂團之宗旨-薪火相傳。樂團多年來人才輩出,繼承了黃氏的抱負。本團部份團員從事音樂教育及演奏工作,當中有些更成為一流的專業樂手,活躍於本地及國際舞台。承蒙黃氏過去廿五年來之領導及所付出的努力,香港交響管樂團將不斷培育出更多優秀的音樂人才,為各音樂領域作出貢獻。 Founded by Dr. Wai-hong YIP and Mr. Alfonso WONG in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the first amateur band in Hong Kong with considerable size and structure. WONG has devoted himself to promoting music education in the community. He dedicated 21 years of his life to teaching at Central Conservatory of Music - the national leading music school in China. His devotion and contribution to music and teaching, especially wind band music development, have deeply influenced all band members. His works were also recognized by the Chinese authoritative media, namely “People’s Music”. Members are the greatest assets of the HKSW. The HKSW has evolved into a house of music, nurturing hundreds of talented musicians, with a majority being WONG students and even students of his students. This adheres to our principle and core value - Passing the Torch. Among all our members, some are distinguished professional players actively performing on local and international stages, while some are making their great efforts and contributions to music education and performance. Thanks to the inspiration and cultivation of WONG and the HKSW in the past 25 years, our missions have been transformed to all these achievements. |
本樂團在推廣管樂方面不遺餘力,自一九八八年二月二十日假沙田大會堂舉行首演後,樂團一直積極參與本地音樂推廣,並與前市政局及康樂及文化事務署合作,一同走遍港九新界,為社會各界演出超過三百場音樂會,演奏了無數古今中外名作。 二零零七年,香港交響管樂團假香港大會堂音樂廳舉行了《香港交響管樂團二十周年慶祝音樂會》,黃氏多年以來培訓的學生一同出席音樂會,濟濟一堂,場面感人。二零零八年,樂團舉辦了兩場《安達臣百周年致敬音樂會》,並獲安達臣(Leroy Anderson)的家屬同意,由樂團改編其遺世之作《鋼琴協奏曲》,以管樂團伴奏鋼琴獨奏(原曲為雙鋼琴版本)。此曲目不僅是香港,更是亞洲首演,音樂會空前成功,好評如潮。 二零一零年除夕,樂團應邀出席沙田中央公園舉辦之《2010 除夕倒數嘉年華》,透過音樂與群眾在歡樂氣氛中迎接新一年。 二零一零年,樂團大膽嘗試,舉辦了《兒童節音樂會》。當晚全院滿座,觀眾不但沉醉於歡樂的音樂中,笑聲更是不絕於耳。樂團再接再勵,並移師至香港大會堂音樂廳,舉辦《樂園》(2012)及《童聲童戲》(2013)兩場老幼咸宜,雅俗共賞的音樂會;後者更再次錄得全場滿座的紀錄! 二零一一年,樂團獲世界級跨媒體企業邀請,參與錄製該公司的主題歌,樂團水平獲外界一致肯定。此乃樂團首次參與專業及多角度高清攝製工作。 二零一二年九月,正值香港交響管樂團二十五周年,樂團於大會堂音樂廳舉辦了一場名為《再創傳奇》的音樂會,當晚匯聚了在過去的悠長歲月裡,影響著樂團發展的重要樂曲,並演奏出關乎樂團將來發展路向的新曲目。 自一九九八年起,樂團已錄製逾十隻現場錄音的音樂會CD及DVD,當中包括樂團所有周年音樂會的現場演奏,每位團員均獲贈CD及DVD作教學用途,從而提昇各團員的音樂造詣。 本團多年來推廣管樂音樂,獲得香港社會各界支持,使本樂團決心把推廣管樂的精神繼續承傳。 Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, the HKSW has started to work with the former Urban Council and the LCSD (Leisure and Cultural Services Department) to promote music among people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been held all over Hong Kong, bringing the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West. In 2007, the HKSW held the 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall. Students whom WONG trained over the decades came and supported, not only the concert but also what HKSW has been doing in the past two decades. Everyone in the house, no matter on stage or not, celebrated the long history of the HKSW in music making and sharing. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy ANDERSON. With the permission of ANDERSON’s family, the HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. Not only were the concerts a debut of great success for his masterpiece in Asia, but they were also highly acclaimed with full house audience. On 31 December 2010, the HKSW was invited to perform at the ‘New Year Eve Countdown Carnival 2010’, bringing up and sharing the joyful atmosphere of a New Year Eve to the crowd through each note we played genuinely. The HKSW has built its reputation and has received much recognition for its music making in diversified industries. In 2010, HKSW launched a children’s concert and attracted a lot of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter. The HKSW have succeeded to carry on with 2 Children’s Day concerts at the Hong Kong City Hall in April 2012 and Mar 2013, namely Merry Go Round and Music4Kids. The concerts had attracted audience of all ages. The tickets of the latter concert were largely sold out and the average audience percentage was a record-high. In 2011, a prestigious international company invited the HKSW to produce its corporate song with world-class multimedia teams. The recordings have been used in its multiple corporate events. Since 1998, the HKSW has published over 10 professional live recordings, both audio and video, including live performance of anniversary concerts. The HKSW was determined to offer our members live records for internal educational use, enhancing music thoughts sharing and communication among members. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the HKSW has held a concert in September 2012, The Legend, to share a spectacular and commemorate evening of iconic music with symbolic meanings in HKSW’s 25 year development. |
二零零一年,樂團應「澳門管樂協會」邀請出席《第二屆澳門管樂節》開幕音樂會。 二零零二年,樂團出席並演出「亞太區管樂協會」於廣州舉行的《亞太區管樂協會第12屆會議》。 二零零六年,樂團應「廣州管樂協會」邀請,於《海峽兩岸管樂演奏大會》作示範演出。同年下半年度,又應「上海周莊人民政府」及「上海中央電視台」邀請,前往上海演出兩場音樂會。 二零一一年,樂團出席國際管樂協會(World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles)在台灣嘉義市舉辦三年一度的大會,參與推廣全球管樂交流。 二零一三年一月,適逢享譽盛名的芝加哥交響樂團來港參與「香港藝術節」演出,本團有幸邀請到首席長號手 Mr. Jay Friedman,連同我們的年輕樂手舉行一場大師班。是晚本團的菁英銅管樂手組成一支六重奏,演出更獲Mr. Freidman 的高度讚許。 二零一三年七月,香港交響管樂團衝出香港,奔向世界舞台了!樂團終於來到荷蘭的凱爾克拉特(Kerkrade),首場音樂會在市中心廣場,一幢古色古香的建築物前舉行,我們演出了幾首中國音樂,觀眾紛紛報以熱烈的掌聲。至「世界管樂大賽」的比賽當天,我們與來自世界各地的樂團同場較技,既興奮又緊張。歷時半年多的集訓,加上臨場發揮穩定,終讓我們在「Harmony First division」組別中,奪得金獎,載譽歸來!此趟歐洲之行,除了參加比賽,樂團亦在德國的科恩伯格(Kornberg)作短暫停留,並與一隊歷史悠久的管樂團交流,在一個逾百年歷史的建築物內演出,聲音之甜美,氣氛之融和,實在難以筆墨來形容。這次交流,更成為當地報章的一項新聞報道。 Our missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries. Music promotion and sharing have been taking places beyond the borders. In 2001, the HKSW was invited by the Macau Band Directors Association to perform at the “2nd Macau Band Festival Opening Concert”. In 2002, the HKSW was invited to Guangzhou, performing at the “International Wind Band Performance Convention”, by the 12th Band Conference of Asia & Pacific Band Directors Association (APBDA). In 2006, the HKSW was invited by the Guangzhou Band Directors Association to conduct several demonstrative performances in Guangzhou. In August 2006, the HKSW performed 2 concerts in Shanghai under the invitation of the Shanghai Zhouzhuang Government and the Shanghai CCTV. In 2011, the HKSW participated in the International Band Festival of the 15th WASBE (World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) Conference held in Chiayi, Taiwan. Those concerts were highly accredited for all the great successes. The HKSW has built its reputation and gained musical growth and development through overseas exchange. With all the encouragement received, especially from some international professional players, the HKSW continues to bring music everywhere throughout our lifelong pursuit of promoting wind band music. In Jan 2013, the HKSW co-hosted a Masterclass section with maestro Jay Friedman, principal trombonist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, one of the top world renowned orchestras. The HKSW has grouped an elite group of a brass sixtet specially for the event, which was highly acclaimed by Jay Friedman. In July 2013, the HKSW has brought its members to expand footprint in Europe. The HKSW finally came to the Netherlands, Kerkrade. Performed first in the town square in front of a quiant European architectural structure, we performed a few pieces of Chinese music, receiving rapturous applause. On the World Music Contest day, we competed in the Harmony First Divihison with many others bands from around the world with a mix of excitement and nerves. After an intensive training of more than six months, coupled with a steady performance in real time, we finally won the gold medal. In this Europe tour, besides the Contest, the HKSW has also paid a brief visit to Kornberg in Germany to have an exchanging programme with a long-running local band. Performing in an historical building for more than a century, the exquisite sound and superb harmony resounded are just beyond words. This exchange programme has also generated local media coverage. |
我們的桂冠音樂總監黃日照老師,創作和改篇了不少樂曲,除了《小河淌水 ﹣ 小號小協奏曲》和《香港交響管樂團進行曲》外,1998-2004年間,黃氏改編了周文軒先生一系列藝術歌曲,包括:《古詩今譜》四首、《過零丁洋》及《花木蘭狂想曲》。這幾首管樂作品在香港及海外演出時,均獲好評。 而由黃氏的老師夏之秋先生創作的《思鄉曲》,則由游元慶改編成管樂團版本;游老師亦特別創作了一首《慶典序樂》,以祝賀本團成立廿周年。 1999年秋天,斐聲國際的作曲家顧七寶博士,為黃老師及本團創作了一首大型管樂作品《虹》,此曲於2000年1月在香港首演。 Apart from nurturing local talented wind instrument performers, the HKSW is also actively engaged in encouraging local compositions and Chinese wind band music works. Our Music Director Laureate, Mr. Alfonso WONG, composed and adapted numerous music works. His remarkable works include Stepping by the Stream - Trumpet Petit Concerto and Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March. Between 1998 and 2004, WONG adapted a series of art pieces of Mr. Wen-hsien CHOU, including four pieces of the “Old Songs with New Compositions” Suites, Crossing the Ling Ding River and “Mulan” Rhapsody. The performances of these music works have been well received, both locally and internationally. Composed by the teacher of WONG, Mr. Zhi Qiu XIA, Nostalgia for Home is arranged by Yuen-hing YAU for wind band. YAU was also commissioned the Prelude to a Celebration to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the HKSW. In the fall of 1999, Dr. Brian Chatpo KOO, the internationally eminent composer, was commissioned by WONG and the HKSW to compose a great wind band music piece, Rainbow, debuted in Hong Kong in January 2000. |
二零一三年三月,派出團員前往深水埗區,為新家園協會及西九社區共融服務中心兩個社福機構的服務對象,進行管樂導賞活動,並送出一百六十張《童聲童戲》的門票。 同年四月,樂團應九龍醫院病人資源中心的邀請,為病人及其家屬舉辦午間音樂會《眾樂樂》,甚受歡迎。 The HKSW engages in a variety of charitable activities. In April 2002, the HKSW was invited by Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong & Macau, China to participate in a fundraising concert supporting The Hong Kong Society for the Blind. In March 2004, the HKSW performed again for a fund-raising performance of the Lions Kidney Education Center & Research Foundation. In March 2013, the HKSW presented a community project in Sham Shui Po specially devised to encourage local children to appreciate and learn more about wind band music. Some of the HKSW has volunteered to hold a demonstrative instrumental section with small groups of children serviced by the New Home Association and the Kowloon West Community Harmony and Solidarity Services Centre. The HKSW has also followed-up the small group section by sending 160 tickets of the concert MUSIC4KIDS to the two associations. In April 2013, the HKSW was invited by the Patient Resource Center of the Kowloon Hospital to hold a lunchtime concert for its patients and their families. |
The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds Annual Report 2012/2013 |
The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds is a registered non-profit organization in Hong Kong.