WONG Alfonso 黃日照
Music Director Laureate 桂冠音樂總監
WONG Alfonso
黃日照一九三一年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小號。一九五三年,憑着一顆熱愛音樂之心,滿懷希望地北上,渴望投考「北京中央音樂學院」深造。由於建院初期,急需管樂師資人材,其氏在前輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任職教師。一方面教授小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院的作曲、理論等課程。一九五四年,黃氏成為有「中國小號之父」之稱的夏之秋老師的助教。在任教期間,並得到前蘇聯知名小號演奏家提摩費.多克西哲(Timofei Dokshitzer)於小號演奏技藝方面的指導,獲益良多。 一九七四年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香港浸會大學」前身)為音樂系講師。一九七五年加入聖文德書院為管樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港校際音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績,期中更包括連續六年贏取該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績至今仍未被打破。一九七六年更為聖文德書院創作出《聖文德進行曲》,令聖文德書院成為全港唯一擁有自身進行曲的學校。 一九七八年黃氏加入「香港音樂事務統籌處」為一級訓練主任,任教小號長達九年。退休之後,於一九八七年為「香港中國婦女會中學」籌辦及組織了管樂團。 |
WONG Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, started learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, Wong travelled to Beijing in hope to further his studies at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encouragement of his elders, Wong took up the job as teaching staff in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet playing, while on the other hand, he further his knowledge by attending classes such as smusic composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant of "Father of Chinese Trumpets" Mr Xia Zhiqiu, acting as assistant lecturer at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the famous former USSR trumpet player Timofei Dokshitzer.
Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now "Hong Kong Baptist University"). In 1975, Wong taught in the St. Bonaventure College and High School wind band and has led them in senior wind band competitions in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival capturing ten championships, including a significant result of "Six Consecutive Championships" where this record was kept ever since.
In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music Office as an Assistant Music Officer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women's Club College wind band.
In May 1987, together with Dr. Yip Wai Hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as the Assistant Music Director, and acted as the Music Director in 1992. For the past 20 years, wong has led the band in performing at various venues throughout Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large number of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong now has over 300 students, Wond also renamed the "St. Bonaventure March" into "The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March". Starting from 1999, Wong has been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-flows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All performances were highly accredited.
In August 2001, Wong was appointed by the Chinese Art Education Promotion Association as a committee member of the Asian Student Band Music Council. This shows that his influence and attributions in wind music was highly recognized.
Wong also had a passion for music compositions. Throughout all these years, Wong had composed over 100 trumpet studies, over 20 band music and over 10 trumpet solo pieces. Wong also transcribed several renowned music written by Dr. W.H. Chou into band music. This has encouraged the fusion of Chinese and Western music.
WONG Alfonso, born in the Philippines in 1931, started learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, Wong travelled to Beijing in hope to further his studies at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encouragement of his elders, Wong took up the job as teaching staff in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet playing, while on the other hand, he further his knowledge by attending classes such as smusic composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant of "Father of Chinese Trumpets" Mr Xia Zhiqiu, acting as assistant lecturer at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the famous former USSR trumpet player Timofei Dokshitzer.
Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now "Hong Kong Baptist University"). In 1975, Wong taught in the St. Bonaventure College and High School wind band and has led them in senior wind band competitions in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival capturing ten championships, including a significant result of "Six Consecutive Championships" where this record was kept ever since.
In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music Office as an Assistant Music Officer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women's Club College wind band.
In May 1987, together with Dr. Yip Wai Hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as the Assistant Music Director, and acted as the Music Director in 1992. For the past 20 years, wong has led the band in performing at various venues throughout Hong Kong with brilliant achievements, and had trained large number of performers and conductors of public recognition. Wong now has over 300 students, Wond also renamed the "St. Bonaventure March" into "The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds March". Starting from 1999, Wong has been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-flows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All performances were highly accredited.
In August 2001, Wong was appointed by the Chinese Art Education Promotion Association as a committee member of the Asian Student Band Music Council. This shows that his influence and attributions in wind music was highly recognized.
Wong also had a passion for music compositions. Throughout all these years, Wong had composed over 100 trumpet studies, over 20 band music and over 10 trumpet solo pieces. Wong also transcribed several renowned music written by Dr. W.H. Chou into band music. This has encouraged the fusion of Chinese and Western music.