葉育泉是本地活躍的小號手及指揮家。葉氏十一歲開始於聖文徳書院管樂團學習小號,師隨馮嘉興先生。在學期間,葉氏隨樂團多次參與本地大大小小的演出,更隨團到台灣進行音樂交流及演出。其後獲馮氏提攜加入香港交響管樂團,多年來積極隨團參與各種社區演出,更於2013年及2017年隨團遠赴荷蘭參加世界管樂大賽。葉氏亦曾接受世界知名的小號大師 James Thompson教授, Paul Archibald指導。並於馮氏的指導下,以一級榮譽畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系。葉氏曾於本港多個樂團擔任樂手,當中包括香港交響管樂團、香港愛樂團、馬勒樂團、香港巴羅克室樂團及香港浸會大學管弦樂團等。葉氏近期亦參與本地歌手陳柏宇《陳柏宇 feat. 九龍搖擺俱樂部2023》演唱會,擔任小號樂手,作現場伴奏。
除了擔任小號樂手,葉氏亦熱衷於音樂教育及指揮。於2019年,葉氏參與由美國德州大學( 奥斯汀) 舉辦之管樂指揮及排練工作坊。同年,葉氏亦參與於美國明尼蘇達州貝塞爾大學舉辦的Conn Selmer Institute (CSI) 接受多位世界知名音樂及藝術教育學者針對音樂教育以及藝術發展領域作培訓及交流。
Yuk Chuen, Yip (Bill), who hails from Hong Kong, is an enthusiastic trumpeter and conductor. Bill began playing the trumpet at 11 during his tenure in junior high school at St. Bonaventure College and High School. Bill completed his studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University, where he graduated cum laude (with Honours), earning a Bachelor of Arts in Music Studies under the guidance of Mr Ka Hing, Fung. Acclaimed trumpeters Professor James Thompson and Paul Archibald had also taught Bill previously.
Over the years, Bill gained various music exposures through performances locally, regionally and globally. He has been actively participating in community performances with a variety of ensembles. He extended his performance experience overseas to Taiwan and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands in 2013 and 2017, Bill took part in the World Music Contest. Bill has been part of some leading ensembles in Hong Kong, namely the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, SAR Philharmonic Orchestra, Mahler Orchestra, Collegium Musicum Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University Symphony Orchestra. Besides traditional Western Music, Bill also extended his trumpet talents to pop music. As a trumpeter, he had recently taken part in local acclaimed pop singer Jason Chan's concert, "Jason Chan feat. Kowloon Swing Social Club Live 2023".
Besides playing the trumpet, Bill is passionate about music education and conducting. He taught trumpet and conducted in various schools and organizations. In 2019, Bill attended in the Art of Band Conducting and Rehearsing workshop at the University of Texas (Austin). In the same year, Bill also participated in a professional development conference for directors and music program leaders, which curriculum was designed for specialized tracks focusing on music education and artistic development at the Conn Selmer Institute (CSI) at Bethel University, Minnesota.
Bill tutors trumpet at the Music Children Foundation, an organization that provides music education to underprivileged children. He highly values the role and believes music is a medium to reach out and contribute to these children and their families. He serves as a conductor at the Hong Kong Symphonic Winds and is responsible for outreach programmes to promote wind band music. Bill is also a conductor at the Men of Winds. In this elderly community wind band, he aspires to share his musical knowledge with people across different age groups and diverse backgrounds and concurrently promote senior arts to the community.