UIC x HKSW 青少年音樂夏令營師資 Artistic Faculty
黎得駿 Lai Tak Chun - 低音銅管 Lower Brass
- 大號演奏家
- 奧克蘭愛樂樂團首席大號
香港土生土長的黎得駿自 2015 年起出任奧克蘭愛樂樂團的首席大號,成為少數在海 外職業交響樂團工作的華人大號手。 黎氏曾與多個樂團演出,包括香港管弦樂團,墨爾本交響樂團,悉尼小交響樂團,冰 島交響樂團,紐西蘭交響樂團,基督城交響樂團和惠靈頓管弦樂團。 黎得駿是澳洲維多利亞州銅管樂聯盟大賽 2012 及 2013 年的公開組大號獨奏冠軍,以 及 2013 年澳洲管樂大賽公開組大號冠軍。他在求學期間曾獲取多個獎學金,包括萬 瑞庭獎學金,香港迪士尼獎學金,Frank Barzyk 銅管樂獎以及 Donald William Thornton Bequest 獎學金等等。 他於 2009 年在香港演藝學院取得文憑,師隨 Paul Luxenberg 以及 2013 年在墨爾本大學取得音樂學士學位(榮譽學士),師隨 Tim Buzbee。 黎氏現於多家學校擔任銅管樂導師,並由 2015 年開始於奧克蘭大學教授大號及上低 音號。 他也曾於 2016 年奧克蘭管樂節中擔任評委以及在 2017年 Slider Asia 管樂節 上擔任導師。 他從2018年開始成為奧克蘭城市銅管樂隊的音樂總監,並帶領樂隊於 2018年奧克蘭銅管樂隊地區比賽中奪得了進行曲的第一名。 黎得駿是Ultimate Brass品牌代言人,使用的是Ultimate Brass LTC簽名系列大號號嘴。
Tak Chun Lai, from Hong Kong, is one of the first Chinese tuba players to be offered a position as principal tuba of an overseas professional orchestra. He joined the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra as Principal tuba player in 2015. He has appeared with many orchestras including the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra Sinfonia, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Iceland Symphony Orchestra, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington. Lai is the 2012 Champion of Open Bass Tuba, 2013 Champion of Open Contra Brass Tuba in Victorian Band’s League State Solo Championship and the Champion of Open High Tuba in Australian National Band Championship 2013. |
He completed his Bachelor of Music (Honours) at the University of Melbourne with Tim Buzbee, and his Diploma at the Hong Kong Academy for performing Arts with Paul Luxenberg. Lai is the Euphonium and Tuba tutor at the University of Auckland since 2015, judge member at the APMA Auckland Music Festival 2016, faculty member at Slider Asia 2017 and music director of Auckland City Brass Band since 2018. Lai plays exclusively on his signature mouthpiece design and manufactured by Utlimate Brass.