UIC x HKSW 青少年音樂夏令營師資 Artistic Faculty
黃任賢 Jen Hsien HUANG - 法國號 French Horn
- 法國號演奏家
- 台灣愛樂樂團法國號助理首席
畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂系,鋼琴師事王穎、林明慧教授,法國號曾師事莊思遠教授。2004年,考進美國伊士曼音樂院(Eastman School of Music)碩士班,並獲得法國號及鋼琴伴奏獎學金。主修法國號,師事Peter Kurau,在學期間,為Eastman Philharmonia、Eastman Wind Ensemble、Eastman Horn Choir、 Eastman Chamber Music Society團員,。2006年考入台灣愛樂並於同年取得法國號演奏碩士。2012年通過甄選成為台灣愛樂法國號助理首席。 1994、1995、1998、2000、2001年考上亞洲青年管絃樂團(Asian Youth Orchestra),於世界各國巡迴演出。1998年與育芝交響樂團在台北音樂廳演出莫札特交響協奏曲,2001年於師大舉辦個人音樂會與室內樂音樂會。2005年受邀參加中國廣東國際音樂夏令營。2006年受邀參加美國伊士曼音樂院夏季指揮研習營並指揮 Rochester Philharmonic,同年十月應高雄市立交響樂團之邀約,演出莫札特法國號協奏曲。2008年應師大管樂團邀請,演出聖桑法國號協奏曲,七月擔任樂興之時管弦樂團法國號首席前前往柏林演出馬勒第五號交響曲,七月受邀參加海峽和平交響樂團演出,巡迴演出北京、上海、深圳、台北、高雄並擔任台灣場次首席。2010年七月再度受邀參予海峽和平交響樂團演出,巡迴北京、成都、深圳、台北、台中。2010年八月受邀參加亞洲青年管弦樂團20周年音樂會並擔任法國號首席。2011年一月受邀至泰國曼谷Silpakorn大學音樂系舉行法國號大師班,也於曼谷YAMAHA舉辦大師班。2012年受邀至中山大學舉行大師班,六月與天母國中管樂團與台北藝術大學音樂廳演出協奏曲。2016年受邀與台北青年管樂團於演出C.Fernandez法國協奏曲。 曾任台北愛樂管弦樂團、台北世紀交響樂團、新北市交響樂團、樂興之時管弦樂團、天使之翼交響管樂團、台北青年管樂團、台灣弦樂團法國號首席> 現為台灣愛樂法國號助理首席,並且為真理大學音樂系法國號講師、古亭國小、重慶國中、中壢高中、淡江高中音樂班老師,天母國中管樂團法國號老師,台北市新湖國小法國號老師、新北市安溪國中、廣福國小、江翠國小管樂團指揮。
Jen-Hsien graduated from National Taiwan NormalUniversity with a Major in Piano and Minor in French Horn,then was awarded a scholarship to study french horn under Professor Peter Kurau at Eastman School of Music in 2004. He received his Master's Degree in 2006 and won the audition for French Horn Section Player in Taiwan Philharmonic the same year. Jen-Hsien was subsequently chosen to be the French Horn Assistant Principal in 2012. Jen-Hsien is an active musician since his teenage years. He took part in the Asian Youth Orchestra tours around the globe in 1994, 1995, 1998, 2000 and 2001. He performed the Mozart Horn Concerto in 1998 at National Concert Hall and held his solo and chamber recitals in 2001 at National Taiwan Normal University. During his time in Eastman, he was a regular member of the Eastman Philharmlnka, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Eastman Horn Choir and Eastman Chamber Music Society. He was also invited to take part in the Guang-Dong International Music Festival in 2005 and invited to conduct the Rochester Philharmonic in 2006. Upon his return to Taiwan, he performed the Mozart Horn Concerto with Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra in October 2006. In 2008 Jen-Hsien performed the SaintSaëns Horn Concerto with the NTNU Symphonic Band. He was invited to be Principal Horn in Philharmonia Moments Musicaux for their Berlin tour where they performed Mahler Symphony No. 5 in Jily 2008. Jen-Hsien was also invited to the Straits Philharmonic Orchestra in 2009 and 2010 where they toured several cities in China and Taiwan. In 2010, JenHsien was the Principal Horn for the 20th Anniversary Concert for the Asian Youth Orchestra. He also performed Charles Fernandez's Holiday Concerto for Horn and Wind Band in 2016 with the Taipei Youth Symphonic Band. Apart from performances, Jen-Hsien is also active in educating the next generation of musicians. He has given masterclasses in Bangkok's Silpakorn University, Bangkok Yamaha and Zhongshan University. He is currently teaching french horn at Aletheia University, Guting Elementary, Chong Qing Junior High, Zhongli Senior High, Tamkang Senior High, Tian Mu Junior High, Xinhu Elementary, Anxi Junior High and Guangfu Elementary. He is also the conductor for Jiang Cui Elementary Wind Band. Jen-Hsien is currently the French Horn Assistant Principal in Taiwan Philharmonic.