UIC x HKSW 青少年音樂夏令營師資 Artistic Faculty
付艺霏 YiFei Fu - 打擊樂 Percussion
- 打擊樂演奏家
- 上海交響樂團打擊樂獨奏家
付艺霏,以全额奖学金身份毕业于美国顶尖音乐学府-柯蒂斯音乐学院。随后,考入美国耶鲁大学,攻读硕士学位,并获得全额奖学金及额外学术奖金。在校期间师从于费城交响乐团定音鼓席Don Liuzzi先生及现代打击乐大师Robert Van Sice先生。2014-2016年期间,任耶鲁大学打击乐副科讲师及柯蒂斯音乐学院青年艺术家夏令营讲师。2016年9月,加入上海交响乐团至今。
付艺霏以青年打击乐独奏家、交响乐团首席及室内乐团成员的多重身份活跃在世界各个舞台。 其中包括:纽约卡内基音乐厅及纽约林肯中心独奏首演、瑞士琉森音乐节、奥地利格拉费内格音乐节、德国莫里茨堡音乐节及德列斯顿音乐节、韩国IBK艺术节、北京国际音乐节、纽约弦乐乐团学院、美国打击乐艺术协会等。其演奏曾多次得到费城询问报、纽约时报的报道与好评并接受美国WHYY电视台专访,全美转播个人独奏音乐会。作为中美音乐使者,为加强中美音乐文化领域的交流,受中国外交部之邀,携手美籍华裔著名钢琴演奏家、教育家刘孟捷教授分别在北京、天津、沈阳、西安、台北举办巡回专场音乐会及大师课。 付艺霏以精湛的技巧及热情的表演风格,签约成为美国打击乐业界权威机构Vic Firth及Tom Freer公司艺术家。 YiFei Fu, a Chinese outstanding percussionist, she is an Vic Firth and Tom Freer Artist, also served as the percussionist with the Shanghai Symphony since 2016. As an young artist, Fu is a very active performer as soloist, chamber musician ad orchestral percussionist. Her appearances to all over the world, including solo recital in Carnegie Hall New York City, Lucerne Music Festival Switzerland, Grafenegg Festival Austria, Moritzburg Festival, Dresden Music Festival Germany, IBK Arts Festival Korea, Beijing Music Festival China etc. Her performances granted many praises from The New York Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer, her solo recital was broadcasted and interviewed by WHYY United States. As the Chinese - America music ambassador, Fu was invited by the China's Foreign Ministry, concert and masterclass tour to Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Xian and Taipei with renowned American Chinese pianist Prof. MengChieh Liu. |