UIC x HKSW 青少年音樂夏令營師資 Artistic Faculty
陳嶺暉 Levin Chan - 長笛 Flute
- 長笛演奏家
- 杭州愛樂樂團長笛首席
生於香港的陳嶺暉,於香港、巴黎、日內瓦學習及深造。師從Tim Wilson, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Michel Bellavance, Phillippe Pierlot等多位名師。他也於2018年被選中公派前往柏林跟隨柏林愛樂樂團長笛演奏家Michael Hasel學習。現任杭州愛樂樂團的長笛聲部首席一職,曾在多個樂團客席首席,包括上海交響樂團、深圳交響樂團、香港小交響樂團、廣州交響樂團、亞洲青年管弦樂團等。多年來曾在美國、法國、柏林、上海、杭州、星加坡多地的音樂節或長笛節作獨奏演出。演出足跡遍佈德、奧、法、瑞、美、俄、愛沙尼亞、希臘、羅馬尼亞、塞爾維亞、匈牙利、保加利亞、捷克、日、韓、台灣、星加坡、香港及中國各大城市。
演奏之外,陳嶺暉曾被邀請在香港和澳門等地教學大師班,亦於第二屆浙江長笛比賽、浙江音樂學院長笛比賽及浙江分級長笛比賽擔任評委,亦被邀請為到訪杭州三個月的老挝國家交響樂團提供培訓。 |
Born in Hong Kong, Levin studied in conservatories in Hong Kong, Paris and Geneva. He works as Principal Flute of the Hang Zhou Philharmonic Orchestra, being frequent guest principal with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, he has performed with world class musicians. He performed as soloist regularly with various orchestras as well.
Levin was the prize winner in competitions in Singapore, Paris and Hong Kong. He appeared in festivals performing and giving masterclasses in Berlin, France, Hangzhou, Hongkong, Shanghai and Singapore.
So far, Levin had been appearing on stages through out the world, includes France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Estonia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong and many other major cities in mainland China.
Levin was the prize winner in competitions in Singapore, Paris and Hong Kong. He appeared in festivals performing and giving masterclasses in Berlin, France, Hangzhou, Hongkong, Shanghai and Singapore.
So far, Levin had been appearing on stages through out the world, includes France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Estonia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong and many other major cities in mainland China.